Audio Slideshow – Franco Pagetti, Lebanon

This is the third and final audio slideshow I produced for the Zoom Photo Festival in Quebec in collaboration with Thomas Keenan of Bard Collegeā€™s Human Rights Project and the VII Photo Agency. This show highlights the experiences of photojournalist Franco Pagetti, working with the International Committee of the Red Cross to document Palestinian refugee…

Audio Slideshow – Ed Kashi, Malawi

This is the second audio slideshow I produced in collaboration with Thomas Keenan of Bard Collegeā€™s Human Rights Project and the VII Photo Agency for the Zoom Photo Festival in Quebec. This one is about photojournalist Ed Kashi working with the Open Society Justice Initiative to document the effects of pretrial detention on health and…

Audio Slideshow – Ron Haviv, Congo

I recently completed a series of three audio slideshows in collaboration with Thomas Keenan of Bard Collegeā€™s Human Rights Project and the VII Photo Agency for the Zoom Photo Festival in Quebec. Each show highlights the experiences of a photojournalist working with an NGO in a war-torn region. The first is about photographer Ron Haviv…